Foundation of the engineering office Stephan Rieth centered on the core areas methodical invention, development and construction.
Foundation of today's GERIMA GmbH focusing on the development of machines and production processes. The first project was to develop and construct a fully automatic pretzel-twisting machine for industrial purposes.
There are first requests from customers for solutions in the field of beveling and weld preparation, mainly in the area of crane construction.
Increased focus on weld preparation followed by the development and construction of the first FasRapid grinding system for manufacturers of mobile cranes.
Increasing customer interest in beveling machines leads to an expansion of the product range with a first stationary milling machine, a predecessor of today's MMB family.
The Company continues to progress and moves into new premises in St. Wendel with an administrative building of approx. 200 sqm and a production area of 110 sqm. With the increasing demand for hand-held beveling machines, the development of new milling techniques is promoted and thus the basis of today's very successful SMA series is laid.
Providing excellent customer service also requires a corresponding variety of machines. To further complete the product range, the first hand-held grinding machines are added to the product range. In the same year, the production area is expanded to 220 sqm.
The range of machines is expanded to include shearing machines as a further alternative to the grinding and milling process. As part of the ongoing expansion, the production area is enlarged to 440 sqm.
The patented GERIMA technology, as an engine of growth, leads to a further expansion of the production area to 750 sqm.
With the addition of tools to the existing product range, the foundations are laid for "world of beveling" and the T/S/M/L product range. This is accompanied by the expansion of the production area to 1,100 sqm.
Start of our own CNC production - turning, milling and grinding. The sale of pipe beveling machines is the first step into a completely new market segment. This enables GERIMA to establish itself as a supplier of beveling machines in both the sheet metal and pipe processing markets.
Saarländische Wagnisfinanzierungsgesellschaft mbH (SWG - venture capital company) joins the company. The financial participation is used to place special emphasis on the implementation of the vision "world of beveling", Enhancements, especially of the S, M and L machines, are accelerated and plans for the expansion on the world market are initiated.
The second stage of continued development of the hand-held milling machines with patented spring coupling system and quick-change system for milling heads is presented to the public. The tool range is complemented by diamond tools.
Expansion of the production area to 1,500 sqm. Continuous progress is made in implementing the vision of the "world of beveling". As part of the further development of all T/S/M/L machine families on a large scale, production is also increased and expanded. The break-even point is reached and the positive operating result allows growth investments in addition to SWG’s financial participation.
In January, when one of the Company's hall walls collapsed through no fault of its own, the CNC production machines were almost completely destroyed. In addition to the production area, the machines’ further development is also very seriously affected by the damage. The insurance companies of the two potential liable parties refuse to pay for the damage caused, accusing each other. Short-time work in the production area, a reduction in development activities and staff cuts are used to counteract the difficult situation. The general economic crisis does not play a decisive role, as the demand for small machines from the S-range remains stable. In the end, legal action has to be taken with regard to the collapse of the wall, which will drag on for the next few years.
GERIMA is consolidating after the damage caused by the wall collapse. To this end, the L machines are completely revised that year and presented to the public in a new development stage.
At the end of 2011, the break-even point is reached again - more or less the level already reached before the collapse of the hall wall had occurred in 2009.
Expansion of the production area to 1,750 sqm. Development of the personnel and organizational structures. Implementation of an internal co-entrepreneur, management and bonus system.
GERIMA continues to invest in the future with the construction of a photovoltaic plant. The plant with a capacity of approx. 315 kWp generates electricity for the Company's own consumption and thus makes its contribution to environmental protection by reducing CO2 emissions.
Expansion of the production area to 3,000 sqm production area and start of cooperation with OEM partners in the field of GERIMA milling technology.
These two years are characterized by development for growth; in addition, the number of employees increases to over 40. The GERIMA STAR products are specifically developed and standardized in order to be marketed worldwide step by step via the GERIMA specialist dealer network. The GERIMA STAR products thus form the basis for the Company's strong growth planned for 2017. The STAR products are the products with the greatest market and growth potential in each segment - T = Tools, S = Small machines, M = Medium machines, L = Large machines. The financial participation by Saarländische Wagnisfinanzierungsgesellschaft mbH (SWG) expires on 31 Dec. 2015, further growth will now be realized by the Company's own efforts.
To increase efficiency, investments are made in several automated storage towers, each with a total height of 6 meters and a total load capacity of up to 66 tons.
The Company continues to expand its operations and invests in the expansion of office space and the extension of the training center by a further 200 sqm.
The third stage of continued development of the hand-held milling machines with patented booster and spring technology is presented to the public.
The GERIMA sales and service center in Poland starts work.
In order to take account of the increasing turnover, investments are being made in further automated storage towers, among other things, each with a total height of 6 meters and a total load capacity of up to 66 tons. Start of work to expand the office space by another 230 sqm. In September 2022, the 30th anniversary of GERIMA will be condignly celebrated with over 250 invited guests.
In 2023, further investments will be made in the continuous expansion of our own production capacities. With the commissioning of another CNC milling machine and a 5-axis CNC turning-milling center including bar loader, GERIMA sees itself well positioned for the future and growth.
GERIMA is also leading the way in the expansion of electromobility and is making a contribution to climate protection. In addition to investing in 20 e-cars, 20 wall boxes for charging company and private vehicles by employees will also be put into operation. In order to really enable almost CO2-free electric mobility, GERIMA supplies electricity almost exclusively from self-produced solar power via its charging stations.
The steady growth course is being consistently pursued. In addition to expanding the existing office space by a further 200 square meters, the expansion of the sawmill center and the associated expansion of storage capacity will be completed. At the same time, further investments will be made in climate protection. The installation of a first commercial storage facility with a storage capacity of 80 kWh will contribute to further optimizing the company's own electricity consumption. At the same time, the existing e-car fleet will be expanded by a further 5 e-cars. The training and guest house was converted to energy-efficient heat pump technology and, consequently, a PV system was also installed there.
Investments in the area of product and effectiveness development were not only maintained, but even increased in order to make the company future-proof.
The next step is to strengthen sales activities including marketing. Three new employees have already been hired in this area in 2024. In order to develop the Asian market, a highly qualified employee from Taiwan was recruited via a Blue Card model, who will move his entire residence to Sankt Wendel with his family in 2024.
In 2024 and thereafter, further investments of 2.5 million euros are planned through the parent company GERIMA Holding GmbH to expand production capacities.